Semi-Restore For iOS 5.0-9.1
Compatible with all jailbroken iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 5.0 through 9.1.
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- 5-10 minutes of your time!
- OpenSSH installed on your device
- A computer running 64 bit Windows, 64 bit Linux or 64 bit OS X
Important! Read this or you may regret it!
- SemiRestore supports Windows Vista 64 bit or higher.
- SemiRestore supports 64 Bit Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 or a higher equivilent distro).
- SemiRestore works on OS X 10.11 but may work on 10.9 and 10.10.
- Windows users must have iTunes 12 (not the one for older video cards), and .NET 4.0 or higher installed.
- Linux users must have libimobiledevice, GTK 3, libusbmuxd-tools, and openssl installed (which should be by default).
- Linux users must read the README file
- OS X users must read the README file.
- There may be a better way to fix your current problem. For example, to fix "Safe Mode" issues, you can just uninstall Mobile Substrate from Cydia.
- Like any other restore, make sure you backup your data if you want it later.
- Avoid using your iOS device or anything related to iTunes during the Semi-Restore. Why not actually go outside?
- This process can not and does not repair broken system files! Avoid all Siri Ports, as they are not only illegal (except for Spire on 5.0.1) but they also create problems and may potentially break system files (even Spire can cause this).
- Your device will respring or reboot several times during the Semi-Restore. This is perfectly normal, so don't panic.
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